8:27 pm
This morning I woke up and went for a swim because it was super hot out. My dad and Frances and I swam to a deserted beach on an uninhabited island called Prickly Pear. Amongst trash, glass, and other debris from the hurricane was a living a family of goats. Hermit crab tracks scattered the island and we tracked them to a massive tree where we found, amongst its roots, a massive colony of hermit crabs. They took up a space of around 2 square feet and the largest one was probably 4 inches in diameter. It was quite a find. Then we watched a bunch of bees dig holes in the sand. This was one of the most interesting things I have every come across. What looked like honey bees were sitting and digging little tunnels into the sand. They looked like tiny little dogs and the sand was kicking out behind them. It was really super cute. Then they'd fly slightly above their work to check out their progress and return to dig a spot they had missed. We wanted to video it, but because we had swum there, we had now way to. We also found some interesting cocoon looking things in the trees that had spiders in them. We weren't sure if the spiders had made the little nests or if they had eaten out whatever was once in the cocoon.

Following our environmental exploration of the islands, we returned to the boat and did more work on e-learning certification. The work can be rather mind droning and I was slowed from the heat which was putting me to sleep. I did that from 10-1, then ate some lunch and returned to work into the late afternoon, pausing to swim when I got to hot. This evening I continued my book and am a short ways from finishing it. So Good!

Hours today: 5
Hours total: 10


  1. Fun to explore the natural world where you are... wish we had some of that heat here!


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