May 9th 2019, Posted May 10th 9:51 pm because we did not have wifi before

Today I woke up suddenly from a downpour of rain on the tin roof of our bungalow. I climbed out of my mosquito-netted bed and got dressed. This morning I had to eat cereal because our burner would not turn on so we could not cook our 4 surviving eggs from last nights crisis. By 7 we were up at the main house to begin our work. First, we filled orders that the farm had received. The orders go to restaurants, other farmers, and locals on the island as well as charity for people who need food. We filled them with an assortment of produce including pineapple, passion fruit, mango, papaya, pumpkin, arugula, mustard, chives, dill, mint, spinach, lettuce, cucumber, lime, basil, Thai basil, and the list continues. After we had filled 3 orders and cut a bunch more harvest that we needed, we began to pick white beans. Luckily, it was raining all morning so it wasn’t too hot while we picked. It was pretty peaceful actually. But at 10:45, the sun came out scalding hot as we began weeding. The row we were weeding had tons of these little grasses growing and it was so tiring trying to pull them all out. The more we pulled, the more seemed to appear. The row just kept going. And we had to be super careful around the baby carrots because they came out very easily (I may have pulled a few out and had to replant them). Noon passed, but our row was not done yet, so the work continued. 6 hours later we finished our work and were free to wander the island. So we met up with Frank’s family. The farm is gorgeous though, it overlooks a calm, empty beach and the family there is really nice. The manager, Drake, who works with us, is also really nice and loves to talk, so we have learned a lot about him after just one day of work. 

Hours today: 6

Hours total: 58


  1. So fun to hear about this big change - can you post a photo of your bungalow?


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